Editorial Activity

Vocation – the calling – should be the core mission of any specialist. The specialists of the law are sponsors of stability in legal relationships, which are omnipresent so, inevitable. In the legal realm, competition should and must be replaced by cooperation; information and analysis should reach the whole legal community. The specialists of the science of the law have the duty to be informed, to make constant efforts in knowing thoroughly the present legal norms from a full perspective: the past, the international law`s, the different law branches` – connected or unrelated to his or hers area, the field of legal doctrine and of the jurisprudence. This is why, any responsible legal adviser showing respect to the clients and to the profession should have a significant interest in the specific literature of the field.

Any expert in law can enrich specialty literature, with larger or shorter contents on his or hers practice area.

Exceptionally, the expert addressing niche fields of the law – slightly approached, has a particular, additional duty to transfer the knowledge to the legal community and to those concerned.

In my case, these are the actors of the art market – artists and art collectors – and also the Romanian entrepreneurs who are developing or investing through franchise.

Furthermore, I wish to bring a significant contribution in the legal community by conducting editorial projects, by choosing and bringing together speciality articles approaching new topics with high quality reasoning and research, altogether engaged in an educational demarche. Therefore, from 2012 until 2018 I was managing the editorial activity of Revista Română de Drept al Afacerilor (Romanian Magazine for Business Law). In present I am the editor in chief at Revista Societăților și a Dreptului Comercial (Companies and Commercial Law Journal).

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